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Welcome to Elshaddai World Harvest!

Thank you for taking the time to look around and discover our Church family, our events and see what we stand for. In John 10:10 Jesus said I came to that they may have Life and that you have it more abundantly. The term ABUNDANT means super abundant in QUALITY, superior in QUANTITY ; EXCESS surplus superfluity superfluous, extreme, too much, too good to be true life without limits.

MOST CHRISTIANS are frustrated as what they read in the word of God does not match their manifestation. God intends for us to produce fruit and that our fruit may remain and abide. MATTHEW 6:33 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and every other thing will be added to you-ABUNDANT LOVE , ABUNDANT JOY,  ABUNDANT PEACE , ABUNDANT FAITH,  ABUNDANT HEALTH,  ABUNDANT PROSPERITY, ABUNDANT MARRIAGES AND FAMILIES AND MORE THAT GOD DESIGNED FOR HIS PEOPLE.

Here at ELSHADDAI WORLD HARVEST CHURCH by the operation of the HOLY SPIRIT as Teacher, Helper and Guide, through worship and rightly dividing the word of truth and faith and prayers these boundaries of frustrations are dissolved and overcome for maximum manifestation of testimonies.
OUR hope is that through proper fellowship with God and His word all people will have true testimonies of the working of His word in their lives and make ElSHADDAI WORLD HARVEST CHURCH THEIR HOME.CHURCH.


Find Out What! Where! When!


Our Location
4617 Whhite Plaind RD, Bronx, New York 10470-1651
Service Times
Sundays : 11:30 AM

Tuesdays : Healing School 7:30 PM

Thursdays : Prayer School 7:30 PM
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